Getting started with the mobile application


Picking goods for shipping can be a complicated process if your warehouse is very large or if you have a lot of stock to wade through every time you want to prepare a shipment.  This is why ParagonERP offers a scanning feature that will greatly reduce the rate of human error and reduce the time it takes to perform this task.  Here we'll walk you through how to use Paragon's mobile application for pick tickets. First we'll take a look at the layout of the application. Then we'll walk you through using the app to complete a pick ticket right from the warehouse floor.

The layout of the mobile app

In this section we'll take a look at what you can expect to see while navigating the application. The mobile app is made up of four screens: the login, inventory inquiry, inventory movement,  pick tickets, pick ticket summary, and pick ticket detail screens. In this section we'll quickly go over the components that make up each screen. We'll cover using each of these screens in the next section.
The login screen
The login screen is as straightforward as it seems. There are fields for your username and  password. From here you're taken to the pick tickets screen.

Please note that you will need a user created in Paragon that is linked to a record in the Person module for you to be able to log in.

Once you are logged in, you will immediately be brought to the Picking module of the app. Use the back button on screen to return to the main menu:  
Select the Pick option to see the following screens:
The pick tickets screen
The pick tickets screen is where individual pick tickets can be selected. A picker will only see unfulfilled pick tickets that have already been assigned to them directly or that are currently unassigned. These pick tickets will be sorted first by due date, and then by the date they were created. Each record, whenever applicable, will show:
  1. The pick ticket number
  2. The total quantity of product requested
  3. The bin to which the pick is being assigned
  4. The due date
  5. The assignee
  6. An icon, if the ticket is in progress or complete
We'll cover the different methods of selecting a pick ticket in the next section but, ultimately, they'll all bring you to the pick ticket summary screen.
The pick ticket summary screen
In the pick ticket summary screen we can see the details of each product in our pick ticket. Each record, whenever applicable, will display:
  1. The product's code
  2. The product's description
  3. The location from where the product will be retrieved
  4. The total quantity requested
  5. The quantity already picked
  6. The inventory of product available at the location
  7. The assignee
  8. An icon, if the ticket is in progress or complete
Selecting a record on this screen takes you to the pick ticket details screen.
The pick ticket details screen
Within the pick ticket detail screen we record the transfer of a product from its initial location to the bin we assigned to the ticket (by scanning the barcode).
Each record, whenever applicable, will display:
  1. The product's code
  2. The product's description
  3. The location from where the product will be retrieved
  4. The total quantity requested
  5. The quantity already picked
  6. The inventory of product available at the location
  7. The assignee
There are also a number of controls located on the bottom of the screen. In the following section we'll cover those in detail.
The inventory inquiry screen
Scan an item or a location to view inventory levels by item or by location.  
Scan an item:  
Scan a location:  

The move inventory screen



Picking using the mobile app

The mobile app is a fantastic sidekick to Paragon, but in order to use it effectively, you'll need to have a few things set up beforehand:
- The hardware and software that you'll be using to scan the barcodes needs to be installed and/or configured.
- The picker's user account in Paragon needs linked to a person.
- Your pick ticket location is populated for all relevant products.
- All you pick tickets in Paragon must have a valid ship from location.
- All your products to be picked have positive inventory in Paragon
- All picks to be used with the app have an attribute called bin on the more tab

Logging into the mobile app
The first step to using the app is logging in. Head to the address you've been provided and enter your username and  password. Once done, click the login button and you'll be taken to the pick tickets screen. 
Using the pick tickets screen
Once successfully logged in you will find yourself on the pick tickets screen. You will see all unfulfilled pick tickets that are currently unassigned or that have already been assigned to you directly.
If a pick ticket has already been picked in full you'll see a checkmark, like the first pick ticket in the image below. The second pick ticket, in the same image, illustrates the icon displayed when a pick is underway but not yet picked in full. Pick tickets that haven't yet been started, like the last one in our image, will not feature an icon.
At this juncture you have two main options:
Scanning an unassigned bin on the pick tickets screen
Upon scanning an unassigned bin you will be prompted to select a pick ticket. Paragon will assign your bin to the pick ticket selected. As there is no picker assigned, you (the current user) will be assigned to the ticket. You will then be taken to the pick ticket summary screen.
Scanning an assigned bin on the pick tickets screen
If you scan a bin that has already been assigned to a pick ticket you will be prompted to confirm that you'd like to continue working on the pick ticket to which it is already assigned:
Upon confirmation you will be taken to the pick ticket summary screen.
Selecting a ticket on the pick tickets screen
Choosing a pick via screen selection brings you to its pick ticket summary screen. If the ticket is currently unassigned, you (the current user) will be assigned to the pick ticket. In the event the ticket does not already have a bin assigned, you will be prompted to scan for one to proceed as soon as you arrive at the pick ticket summary screen. 
 Once assigned, a bin can only be removed from a pick ticket within Paragon


Using the pick ticket summary screen
The pick ticket summary screen gives you a listing of all the products to be collected for your pick. With the help of the provided icons you can quickly assess which products haven't been started and which have been partially or fully picked.
If a bin has not been assigned by this point in the pick process the system will prompt you to scan one before you can continue. Should you scan a bin that's already been assigned to another pick ticket you will be asked whether you would like to continue with that pick instead. Once your pick has an assigned picker and bin it's time to select which product you'll be working with by scanning an item.
Selecting a product on the pick ticket summary screen
You select from the products listed by scanning its product code, SKU, EAN, or UPC code. Should there be multiple listings of the same product the user will be asked to select the exact record from a filtered list. Once selected you will be taken to the product's respective pick ticket detail screen.
Removing yourself from a pick
Removing yourself from a pick ticket can also be done here. Scanning the assigned bin from inside the pick ticket detail screen will prompt you to confirm if you'd like to remove yourself from the pick ticket. This process will not unassign the bin from the pick.
Using the pick ticket details screen
The pick ticket details screen is where the pick is recorded. You will have arrived here after having selected a product in the pick ticket summary screen. The controls located at the bottom of the screen allow you to select the quantity of product being transferred into your bin. By default, when you enter the screen the value will be set to equal the number of units needed to meet the expected quantity. The plus or minus buttons, located to either side of the quantity, allow you to make quick modification to this value:
If you prefer, tapping the value itself will give you access to a keypad:
Completing a pick in full
If you've acquired all the products you need for your pick, you likely will not need to make any adjustments. Using the checkmark located at the bottom will mark the product as picked in full and bring you back to the pick screen. Should you need to adjust the values you can use the controls, as described above, to enter the requisite value.
Partially completing a pick
There may, occasionally, be a reason you won't be able to pick in full. Clicking the checkmark, when the quantity of products picked is insufficient to complete the pick in full, will produce a message asking you to confirm that you'd like to continue: 
If you accept, the pick will be marked with an icon to show it that it is in progress, and you'll be brought back to the pick ticket summary screen. The quantity assigned to the pick will be updated.

Picking more than the expected quantity 

In some scenarios your business might allow for you to pick more units than the expected quantity. Clicking the checkmark, when the quantity of products picked is greater than needed to complete the pick in full, will produce a message asking you to confirm that you'd like to continue. If you accept, the pick will be marked with an icon to show it that it is in progress, and you'll be brought back to the pick screen. The quantity assigned to the pick will be updated.


What's next?

Now that you have the know-how to start using the mobile picking app, you can start arming your pick team with the picking app and the hardware of your choice.  In the meantime, you may find some of these other articles useful: