How to set up and add discounts | ParagonERP

How to set up discounts attributes


Discounts can be very useful for offering your customers reduced pricing on their purchases.  A discount is described as a deduction from the usual cost of something, typically given for prompt or advance payment or to a special category of buyers.  As much as your clients love this option, it can be very difficult to assign and especially maintain the proper discounts for each customer.  Paragon can help to make this process easier and more efficient.

Here we will walk you through how to create discount attributes and configure them in screen setup.

Create your discount

Paragon has some preset discounts already in the system at the time of purchase. To create your own discounts, add them to the system as a new attribute.

From any screen, hit the settings button at the top right corner. Go to the attributes card and hit attributes setup.

 Hit the add new attribute button.

 Enter the name of your discount and hit next to select the attribute type. 

Monetary value discount

Discount attributes must be saved as money and currency if they represent dollar values 

Percentage discount

To create a percentage discount, enter the % symbol at the end of your discount name.

Percentage discount attributes must be saved as free flow numbers

 Hit the next button to set decimals and a default value for your discount.

Hit saves changes.

Add your discount to screen setup

After creating your new discount attribute, it can be added any financial transaction screen - either in the header or the lines.

From any screen, hit the settings button at the top right corner and go to the system card and hit screen setup.

Select the transaction screen that you want to add your discount to. In this example we will be using the order module.

Hit the edit button 

Hit the discounts option at the bottom right side of the screen to add the discount attribute to the main order (it will be applied to the total of the order, not to the individual lines).


Once the discount modal is open, hit the add discounts button to add your new discount.


Select your discount attribute from the drop down list and hit the accept button.

 You will then be taken back to the screen setup page for the order module.

 Hit the save button. You will receive a message to prompt you to log out and back in, for your changes to be activated.

 To apply discount to individual transaction lines and not to the entire transaction, hit the edit line discount button and follow the steps described above. 

What's next

Now that you have created your discounts, take a look at how to use them into a transaction. 
Add header discounts to transactions

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