Rule - Automatically create receipt for partial shipments | ParagonERP

Rule - Automatically create receipt for partial shipments

As a user you might want to partially ship orders to your customer based on what you receive from your vendors. You may also want to automatically create partial receipts for any outstanding purchase orders. This is a possible workflow for this situation. You create an order for your customer and a purchase order from that order to buy the required goods from your vendor. If you receive a partial shipment from your vendor, you might want to deliver what you have to your customer. So, you create a partial shipment from the original order for the customer and then create a receipt from the  purchase order to keep track of quantity received and delivered. 

Even though you are able to do this manually in Paragon, such practice begs for automation. This document will show you how to set up a rule to do just that. This rule joins Paragon’s growing library of rules at your disposal. As always – contact us for help setting up rules at

Step 1 – The attributes

There are no special attributes that you need to setup for this rule. The system, by default, will use the addresses and the customer name from purchase order to receipt.

You can also inherit attributes from the purchase order to the receipt to save time and reduce errors; such as currency, terms, etc.

Step 2 – Installing the rule

To install the rule, you need to first decide at which point during your workflow you want it to be triggered.

In this example, we want the rule to be triggered immediately after a shipment is issued. Thus, select the trigger after_issue_ship.

You can use the search bar for faster access to this trigger. Once the trigger is selected, hit the on button to make sure that the rule is activated.

Now that the on option is checked, you’re good to go.

Step 3 – Seeing the rule in action

Create a sales order and then create a purchase order from the sales order. 

Create partial shipment(s) from your sales order with the quantities you received from your vendor.

Issue the shipment you just created

The act of issuing the shipment above will create your receipt.  You can now head to the receive module and see that the receipt was automatically created from the same purchase order and with the same quantities as in the shipment, as in the example shown below.

Please note that the generated receipt is in temp status. This means that the automated receipt can still be modified manually if necessary.

What now?

So now that you have installed and activated your rule, you can always deactivate it if you need to. 

If you have any other questions about rules – don’t forget that you can contact us at

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