What's new with Paragon - November 24, 2020

What's new with Paragon - November 24, 2020

Import and export WIGO report layouts

The newest enhancement to WIGO reports is here! In previous updates, we added the ability to save a layout so that it can be used and modified later. It’s now possible to share these layouts with other users and/or Paragon builds by exporting and importing them. This makes life easier for colleagues who want to use the same report layout, and for any of our partners that have default builds that they use in their implementations. Imagine all that time you will be saving by not recreating the same layouts over and over again! 


Here's a list of bugs we've eliminated with this update:
  1. Product names are no longer blanked out when imported from an integration.
  2. Shopify orders without addresses are imported into Paragon as long as there is a customer associated with the order.
  3. Locations are displayed by name on pick and material pick WIGO reports.
  4. Transaction grid fields no longer flicker.
  5. Rules scheduled to run only once are now behaving as expected.
  6. On the mobile app, pick detail lines now sort according to the location codes of the stock.

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