Downloading and uploading Qlikview reports | ParagonERP

Downloading and uploading Qlikview reports

Qlikview is a software used for data visualization. This is the software used in Paragon's outputs and reports. If you have a Qlikview license you can download the Paragon report template, edit it, and then re-upload the customized report. You can then use and print your customized output in Paragon from the reports menu.

Here we will show you how you can download the Qlikview report file from Paragon and then upload a customized Qlikview file.

If you wish to have access to this feature please contact our support team at or your Paragon Partner for more details.

Step 1. Export the Qlikview report

From any screen hit the settings button at the top right corner of the screen.

Go to the reports & data settings card and hit export report templates.



From the drop-down menu, select the type of report you would like to export.


With a Qlikview license, you can open the downloaded file and make adjustments. Edits made can then be saved and the file can then be imported into Paragon with a new name.


Step 2. Import the Qlikview report

If you have a customized Qlikview file to upload, this can be imported to the module of your choice in the reports menu.

From any screen hit the settings button at the top right corner.


Go to the reports & data systems card and hit import report templates.


From the drop-down menu, select the original report that your new report is based on.


Add a report name to your modified file.


You will be prompted with the following: Importing a new report will not overwrite any default reports. It will create a new report.



Step 3. Access your new report

To use and print your customized Qlikview report, go to the reports module. Hit more and then reports.


Your report will be listed under the custom reports card.




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