How to add currency and exchange rates

How to add currency and exchange rates

Here we will walk you through how to add your currency codes and exchange rates in Paragon. The first step will be to set up attributes for the different currencies you would like to use. Once you have at least two currency codes set up, you can create an exchange rate relationship between them.

Step 1: Go to attribute setup

Hit the settings icon located in the top-right corner of your page to access the settings menu.

From the attributes settings card, select attributes setup.

The attribute setup screen will appear, listing all available attributes that can be modified.

As currency is an attribute already setup on Paragon, search for 'currency' in the search bar or scroll down the list to find the attribute.

Step 2: Edit your currency

When you have found the currency attribute, you can view what type of attribute it is, see what modules it is used on, view its description, who created it and when it was created. This attribute can also be duplicated. You will need to check if the currency codes you want to use are set up, so at the end of the currency line, hit the edit icon.

This screen will appear, giving you the option to edit the 'Currency' attribute name. To continue, hit the next button.

The currency attribute is a 'list to choose from'. This means that a list of possible values is given to fill out currency. Note that if this attribute is already in use, you cannot change the attribute type.

Hit the next button to proceed.

This screen will appear. To add a new currency hit the add new currency button. To modify a currency, click on the description field and make your edits. Note that this can only be done if the attribute has not been used in a Paragon module yet. Hit the next button when you are done adding currency codes to proceed.

The following screen will allow you to preview how the attribute type will look, including your chosen currencies.

You can then preview the currency attribute from different category modules, as well as having the option to enter a description on the attribute.

To go back to a previous edit, hit the back button. To save the changes made, hit save changes.

Once you hit save changes, you will be brought back to the attributes set up screen.


Step 3: Add Exchange Rates

Hit the green settings button at the top right corner of the screen.

You will be taken to the settings screen. From the Financials settings card, select the Exchange Rates option.

The exchange rates screen will appear. Hit the edit button to enter your exchange rates.

Hit the add new exchange rate button to enter your exchange rates.

From the currencies you created in the currency attribute screen, you can select what currency you want to use for your from currency.

The same can then be done for your to currency.

Add the exchange rate by typing the numeric value into the field.

Hit the calendar button to enter your start date. This date represents when the exchange rate becomes valid (to be used),

And hit the calendar button again to enter your end date. This date represents when the exchange rate expires (no longer valid and cannot be used).

Note that you must have an end date, and this end date must be valid (i.e. must be after the start date).

Step 4: Save

At the bottom right corner of the exchange rates screen, make sure to hit the save button when you are done adding in your exchange rates. Any posted exchange rates can be manually edited at any point afterwards.


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