How to set up the list view | ParagonERP

How to set up the list view

The first screen you land on when you enter a module in Paragon is called the list view. This view is a list of all the records that are in a specific module. The system comes with defaults but if you'd like, you can modify and choose the columns that display in this list.

Step 1: Go to List View Setup

From any screen in Paragon, hit the settings icon on the top right hand corner.

In the settings screen, select list view setup from the system card.

On the left hand side of the screen, you'll see all the modules where the list view can be set up. To start editing a list view, select it in the list. In this case, we'll stay on credit.

Step 2: Add or edit the list view

To add or change a column, hit the edit button on the top right hand corner.

Each of the columns are explained below:

  • column title: This is the title that will appear in the list view of the module you're configuring. It can be anything you'd like. For example, if the attribute you'd like to add as a column is called purchase order number you can make the title PO #.
  • data provider: This is the attribute you currently have set up in the screen setup module. This is where the data will be pulled from. 
  • width %: Each column represents a percentage of the total screen. The total of all columns width must be 100.
  • format: This field formats the contents of the column. A used format could be MM/DD/YYYY for dates.
  • alignment: The options in this field are leftright and center. It pertains to the alignment of the text or values in that column.
  • ordinal: This field orders the column. The first column in the list will be ordinal 1.

To add a new column to the existing setup, hit the add button.

A blank line will appear at the bottom of the list.

Choose a data provider from the list displayed. 

If you don't find the data provider you want, you have two options:
the attribute is listed in attributes setup and you need to associate it to reference modules or transaction modules
the attribute doesn't exist and you need to create a new one and associate it to its appropriate module

The column title will be automatically filled with the data provider name. You can rename it if needed.

To delete a column, hit the delete button to the left of the information line.

To change an existing column, click on the field itself to get other options.

Step 3: Save and logout

Once you're satisfied with all of your changes, hit the save button.

A notification will appear prompting you to log out.

Hit the logout button.

When you log back into Paragon, you'll see that the columns in the list view of your module have changed.

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