Using the transaction grid


Paragon ERPs grouping grid feature is an elegant solution to easy data entry and is an integral part of how users interact with the system. You will find it in multiple places in Paragon - one of which is in transaction lines throughout the software. Its purpose is to help you group and/or filter lines based on certain criteria or attributes.  

How it works

Navigate to any transaction module and hit the detail view button to open the highlighted transaction.  The lines of the transaction provide general information about the items they represent.  The default data would include the item name, the line number, the line value, quantity, and total.  At the far right side of the lines is a hamburger with the word column.  

Columns panel

Clicking the hamburger will open a small panel where you can add or remove the columns or attributes being displayed in the lines.
In the example above, we have added several attributes from the product module to help make analyzing the data easier.  At a glance, you can see the full description of the item, how much is still in stock, and how much each item costs.  Each type of attribute is grouped in the panel so you can select (or unselect) the entire group at once or one attribute at a time. 
Once you are satisfied with the columns you have selected, you can collapse the column panel by hitting the hamburger again to get a better view of the columns you've selected.  
Drag and drop columns
When you roll your cursor over any of the column headings in the transaction grid, you will see a little hamburger appear.  You can click and hold that hamburger to drag and drop the column anywhere in the grid.
Drag columns from the panel to the grid
You can also grab onto the icon next to any attribute in the column panel and drag it directly into the transaction grid) instead of selecting the column first and then moving it around in the grid. 


Select the attribute from the panel


Drag the attribute from the panel


Drop the attribute into the transaction grid in the position of your choice

Pin columns

Sometimes having certain columns stay in place while you work can help keep important information in view and help make data entry or inquiry easier.  You can pin any column to the grid so they don't move when you scroll back and forth along the grid.  To pin a column, mouse over the column heading until you see a little hamburger.  Then you can left-click that button to see pinning options.
The no pin option is selected by default. If you change it to be pin left (for example) that column will remain on the left side of the grid until you un-pin it.

Sorting columns

Once an attribute has been added to the transaction grid as a column, you can then sort most of those columns in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column heading. In the example below, we have sorted the grid on the description column - you can see a small arrow appear in the column heading when you sort by it.

Using the scroll bar

If you have added enough columns to the transaction grid that they cannot all be viewed on the screen at once, you will see a small scroll bar appear at the bottom of the grid. That bar can be moved left or right to help you see all the columns that have been added to a grid. 


The transaction grid will only allow you to see and manipulate attributes that you have permission to view in your user profile.  So if sales rep commissions have been hidden from certain departments (for example), it will not be available to use on the column panel unless that user profile has been granted access to that attribute in that module..  

Saving your selections and settings

The beauty of this feature is that the settings that are chosen are saved by user profile and transaction module. The preferences you have in the sales order module may not be at all the same preferences you would have in the packing module. Also, your settings don't interfere with the selections preferred by your colleagues. There is no need to actively save your changes. As soon as they are made, they are saved for you in that transaction module only.  

Accessing the pivoted Custom BoM

If you are not using custom bill of materials in Paragon, you can skip this section.
Paragon allows you to edit or view custom BoM (bill of materials) for each line in the transaction grid. This can be launched in the advanced add item modal on any transaction where custom BoMs have been enabled.

This feature is only available when pivots are enabled.

To enable custom BoM for a module, you will need to navigate to the module's screen setup . From there, you click on the edit button in the top right corner, then the advanced settings button in the middle.
A modal will appear. You will need to check the enable custombom checkbox and then click on the accept button.
Afterwards, you will need to save your changes by clicking on the save button in the bottom right corner.
Now you will have the ability to edit or view the pivoted custom BoM for each line in your transaction. In this example, we will be in the work order module, editing the custom BoM for a line item.
You will need to navigate to the transaction. Click on the edit button in the top right corner then double-click on the pivoted line item you want to edit.
A modal will then appear. Click on the custom BoM button.
After clicking it, another modal will appear on top of it.
If you would like to only view the custom BoM, you can follow the same steps but without entering edit mode at the start. The same modal will appear, however without the ability to edit the custom BoM.

What's next?

As mentioned earlier, the grouping grid feature is also available in other places in Paragon: