What's new with Paragon - August 10, 2016

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP work better for you.

Features and Improvements

For a variety of reasons, you may manage your inventory in more than one location. To account for this, we've added new features into the inventory available report. The report features a new tab, called locations, where you can see the inventory you have available in each location in Paragon. The available tab has more columns to show what state your inventory is in. For example, the inventory is clearly broken up into what has been reserved for an order, what is en route from suppliers, what is on the factory floor and what is sitting as stock on warehouse shelves.

When you add a discount or note to any line, a blue arrow appears in the far left column as an indicator. With this update, we've added a tool tip that appears when you hover over the blue arrow. The tool tip is a message which states that additional information is stored in the right-click menu of the line.

Last update, a prototype of an integration with Shipo (goshippo.com) was completed, which means that Paragon will soon be able to book shipments, get tracking numbers and generate labels. Over the past few weeks, we've been further building onto this functionality.


As we mentioned in the last update, we upgraded the version of our development software. Since the update, we've been continuously testing and correcting any issues that stemmed from the migration.

A new Paragon organization comes with a handful of default settings. For example, there is a setting that allows for values to be entered in the format '$00.00.' There was a bug that was stopping this setting from being properly installed. This has been resolved.

Because of a tool we call the rules engine, we have the ability to customize Paragon to meet your specific business needs. The rules engine allows us to write rules (condition, limits and restrictions), which personalizes Paragon. There was a bug that was stopping us from writing rules that affected the pick ticket module. We've corrected this.

You can add a company to a transaction by selecting the browse button or typing directly into the company field. When you type, a drop-down list of choices appears. Until now, this list had a yellow background. Now, it has a white background, which is consistent with the rest of the design.

At the bottom right hand corner of reference and transaction modules, there is a green arrow called the action button. When you hit this button, you have the option to change the status of the record you're currently in. There was a bug that caused the activate button to disappear in the product module. This has been corrected.

There was a bug that prevented some transactions from automatically generating journal entries to be written to the GL. This has been corrected.