What's new with Paragon - August 17, 2021
New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.
Here's a list of bugs we've eliminated with this update:
- Importing the chart of accounts and opening balances now includes the attributes on the GL accounts.
- Attribute associations can now always be exported without an error.
- Connecting to Shopify is now much quicker.
- ParagonSMB customers now have access to the purchase order and vendor invoice WIGO reports.
- The default action for issued transactions has been changed from complete to print to prevent accidentally completing them.
- Error messages have been added to the log in the event of a failed Shopify connection. Users can then re-attempt the connection.
- A duplicate export to QuickBooks action button is no longer added if the QuickBooks integration is disconnected and reconnected.