What's new with Paragon - August 27, 2024

Restrict access to the Customer Code when creating a new customer

We have added security restriction options to the code field in customers. This way, depending on your workflow, you can prevent your team from editing a customer code accidentally. The code can also be hidden entirely.

Open order quantity is now available on pivoted PDF templates

If the remaining quantity on your orders no longer matches the original order quantity, we now allow you to display either or both quantities on your pivoted order PDF templates. If you would like to inquire about adding this functionality to your PDF templates, please contact your ParagonERP representative.

The Available to Sell exported file is now named with the product name/description

Our exported ATS report (from the product action button) was being named with the internal product ID instead of the product name being used in Paragon. This has been corrected and the naming of the exported file has been improved for easy searching.

The items tab has been removed from all transaction modules

The items tab has been removed from Paragon transactions to avoid any issues that would have been introduced with some global improvements we have made across the entire software.

Added number of lines to be picked to both pick and material pick tickets

You can now view the numbers of lines still to be picked in the List View of picks and material picks. This will allow picking managers to make quick and accurate decisions when planning for the picking departments.

The default location is now listed at the top of all inventory location listings in ParagonWMS (mobile)

When making changes to inventory via the ParagonWMS app, the default location will now be listed at the top of all location lists. The remaining locations are still listed in order of number of units store in each one.

Receipt PDF templates can be consolidated by item

When printing or emailing a receipt that was created from multiple sources, the item lines can now be consolidated. This makes it easy to see all quantities being received per item, regardless of how many transactions the receipt is being created for.


Here's a list of bugs we've eliminated with this update:

  • Fixed a refresh issue with the Close Shipment button in the 2Ship integration
  • Added extra error handling for addresses
  • BI reporting is now updated in real time when changes are made to the Item BoM database and when making inventory value 
  • Improvements to quick entry process for purchase orders
  • Issuing an RMA no longer completes the related source invoice
  • Corrected the tab sequence in payment modules (when using the keyboard)