What's new with Paragon - December 11, 2018

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

New level of tax setup - counties

Ahh... life's certainties - taxes and ...  we all know the other one.  We have implemented a new feature in tax setup: taxes by county.  This allows businesses to set up tax rates for specific destinations within counties in the US. In Paragon, the shipping addresses used in your transactions determine which tax rates are applied. Nothing new there. With this added layer of counties in the tax setup, you can be even more specific about which destinations get which tax calculations.  No more guess work.


Warehouse locations by any other name...

We have added the ability to name each warehouse location that is created in Paragon.  By default, new locations will use the warehouse code as their new name but you can change it to anything you deem appropriate. This way, the location name will not change based on the location attributes being used.  All other existing functionality remains as is.


Run-now rules

Previously, our rules were designed to run only for specific triggers. But with this update, you can now create rules that run anytime you like. So, if you need to change all of your prices for products of a certain season, that rule can be easily run whenever the sales managers deem it necessary. Maybe you've changed carrier companies and need to update all your client and vendor files to reflect that change. Now you can run a rule that will exchange those attribute values on the fly whenever the decision is made. No need for data entry for days and all the potential errors that come with it. Contact support@paragon-erp.com for help setting these new wonders up.


Record identifiers for attributes

All attributes have names but the identifiers that Paragon uses for each of those attributes were hidden until now.  We have exposed that information to everyone so that creating rules and complex configurations is easier than ever.  With these specific names, you can be sure about which attributes are being used in which scenarios.  No need to second guess your selections.


Discounts by customer through associations

Maybe your favorite customer deserves a 5% discount on every order.  Maybe anyone who orders more than $1,000 on an order should receive a $100 volume discount.  All of this (and much more) is possible with the ability to associate customers to products with specifications about each scenario. Just tell Paragon which combinations of customers and products should yield which discounts and we can help you create a rule to have the system grant your wishes.



Here's a list of all the bugs we've exterminated with this update:

  • Adjustments to security access when navigating to a module from the activity panel
  • The rules wizard gives a warning if an existing rule / trigger is about to be overwritten
  • The rules engine now distinguishes between the lines and header configuration of discounts
  • Improvements to the timing of grand total recalculations when editing transactions
  • The correct icon is now showing when creating events from the action button
  • The price column is standard transaction grids is now right-aligned