What's new with Paragon - December 13, 2017

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP work better for you.

Mass upload inventory values

Whether you're doing a physical inventory count or starting to use Paragon for the first time, the ability to upload your new inventory figures or opening balances is important. This new feature allows you to mass upload your inventory for every product in Paragon, across all locations. When this is done, an adjustment record in the inventory history file will be created, maintaining the integrity of your inventory costing and audit trail.

Activate/deactivate GL accounts

It is possible that you may need to change the structure or the accounts in your general ledger. To give you this control, we have added the ability to activate and deactivate GL accounts. Now, if an account is no longer in use it will not be visible or available for use in other areas of Paragon. However, it remains in the GL module in order to preserve the historical transactions associated with the account.

Restrictions for debit and credit accounts removed

In Paragon, you have the ability to specify what GL accounts are debited and credited for different transactions. On an invoice, for example, you will likely want your revenue account to be debited and your AR account to be credited. Previously, Paragon placed restrictions on what accounts could be debited and credited for specific transactions. This was done to avoid accidentally creating debit and credit links that don't make sense. For example, sending your sales revenue value to an A/P tax account by accident. Since every business is unique, we ran into situations where our restrictions needed to be overwritten. For this reason, we have removed all restrictions for linking in the GL to allow you to set up your accounting specifically for your business.


Here's a list of pesky bugs we squashed with this update:

  • Emailing functionality has been fixed
  • UT was not importing the tax/discounts/other charges breakdown from transactions
  • Performance issue in the attribute panel when many auto-add attributes were left empty
  • If taxes were disabled, tax/discount/other charges modals don't appear when prompted
  • Financials button was not showing the correct numbers when automatic journaling was turned off
  • Screen setup was causing duplicate attributes in modules
  • Receive payment module did not allow for more than one decimal position
  • When I wanted to add a new discount/tax/other charge it did not refresh the fields and remained 0
  • Paragon didn't keep track of the correct transaction numbers if you created and then cancelled a transaction before save
  • In screen setup you can add a record for linking an attribute, but if you didn't specify which attribute and save, the module would stop working
  • When saving a transaction, the money attribute was not saved on tax/discount/other charges
  • Screen setup was missing many tabs in the left-hand list
  • There were extra links in tax setup
  • Values with decimal points couldn't be entered on work orders
  • Automatically created journal entry did not appear in the list until re-login or refresh list order
  • Journal entries for payments out were not converted if there was an exchange