What's new with Paragon - February 6, 2018

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Introducing ParagonERP x Shopify

Shopify is one of the world's leading ecommerce platform providers and today we are proud to announce that, thanks to our newest integration, you can connect directly to Shopify via Paragon. There is no question that this integration completely streamlines the connection between your customer order checkout and your back-end fulfillment processes. To read more about the integration, feel free to check out our press release.

Schedule events within Paragon

With the introduction of our newest module, the calendar, you can now schedule events to track timing of deliveries or service calls. This event also creates an event transaction record, which you can use to take notes or specify if any materials or tools were used during the scheduled event. By using this tool you cannot only keep track of and bill the time spent on a service call, but also update your inventory values based on the tools and materials used.

calendar event

Copy attributes from items to transaction lines

Let's say you have products in many different groups. When you create orders for these products, you will likely want to report on the different categories of products that are sold. In order to do this, the information about the product group needs to be on the order lines. Instead of manually adding the product group on each line, this information can now automatically be pulled from the product screen.

order lines attribute

Create one to many attribute relationships

This feature will be particularly useful for anyone who has many scales and sizes. Now you can specify what sizes belong to which scales by creating a relationship between the scale and size. So, if the sizes XS to XL are only available in the women size scale, you can now create this connection by associating the scale "XS - XL women" to sizes "XS" to "XL".


Include manufacturing costs in custom bill of material

If you manufacture, the cost of your products is directly related to the cost of the materials used to create your products. With this feature, the price of the materials, depreciation of tools and cost of labor will all be recorded in the inventory history file once you've finished manufacturing the end product.

Create attribute values from module items

Let's say you need to specify what vendor you buy specific products from. To do so, you need to create an attribute called "vendor" and assign it to the product file. The values available to choose from in this attribute used to be a set list of vendors in your system. This means that if you add a new vendor to Paragon, the drop-down list will not change. With this feature, the drop-down list changes based on which vendors are added or taken out of Paragon.

Clear content from search bar

There is a search bar in almost every screen in Paragon. Now, instead of manually removing text you've just searched for, you can simply hit the "x" button to remove the text.


Access documentation directly from within Paragon

Our documentation site, docs.jonar.com, is your go-to place for any questions you may have about Paragon. Now you can access this site directly from inside Paragon by hitting the question mark button at the top right-hand side of any screen.

help button


Here's a list of little bugs we exterminated with this update:

  • Tool tips explain what certain buttons mean or do. A few explanations weren't at their best, so we improved them.
  • We solved issues related to the reporting and analytics functions.