Price Book export now includes more data
Exporting a Price Book will now include 2 additional attributes; item description and currency. In addition to that, the export will also now include columns that you have selected on your grid.
Single Sign On (SSO) login through Google (as mentioned last update)
Through an attribute in user management settings, you can now make Google SSO login mandatory for individual users. Take a look at our Log Into ParagonERP article for more information on this new option.
Vendor Product Pricing
We're proud to introduce our new vendor pricing feature in ParagonERP. You'll be able to easily create and manage item pricing by supplier, volume, and/or dates. All configured prices can then be automatically applied to your purchase orders.
To begin using the vendor product pricing feature, please contact for further information.
More information available on the Product, Material, and Inventory modules
We've been listening to your requests for more information on main screens throughout the software. As such, we've added a few extra attributes and information points to our item lists. ATS, ATS immediate, on purchase, on receipt, on work order, and allocated have all been added to the list views of products, materials, and inventory.
Here's a list of bugs we've eliminated and some improvements we've made with this update:
- Minox transmission status not being updated if a currency attribute is missing
- Backorder modal appears when completing a fully picked pick ticket
- Transaction grid does not scroll if the grid contains 50+ lines
- Inventory location QR code scanning doesn't work in Chrome as expected
- Subtotal quantities in work order only displaying most recently edited SKU while editing in pivot mode - after first edit and save