What's new with Paragon - January 2 2025

Complete linked quotes directly from their sales order

A new advanced setting for the order module that allows you to autocomplete related quote(s) upon issuing an order. 


If unselected, the feature can still be utilized by using the Complete Quote action button after issuing an order.


Here's a list of bugs we've eliminated and some improvements we've made with this update:

  • Paragon startup/login is no longer dependent on Test Mode
  • Quotes can only contain lines for products and labor items (to follow the limitations of Sales Orders)
  • Blank PDF documents will no longer print when API calls fail
  • Improvements to the user maintenance screen and workflow
  • Stock movements made via ParagonWMS (mobile) now list the correct user information
  • Corrections to the location listings in both adjust and move inventory modules in ParagonWMs (mobile)
  • Edits to transactions are no longer saved when navigating to the order trail tab
  • Allow order line deletion if the line reference is only on a reservation, but block it if other transactions have been created from that reservation. Line deletion from quotes remains permissible, regardless of transactions created from the quote.