What's new with Paragon - January 24, 2017

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP work better for you.

Unpack items directly from a receipt

When you physically receive a shipment, a receipt needs to be created in Paragon in order to update your inventory. We recognize that during the receipt process, you may also unpack and shelve the goods you are receiving. For this reason, we have added the ability to unpack your receipt item by item into a warehouse location directly from the receipt module.

Create rules in the receive payment and make payment modules

The receive payment and make payment modules can now be accessed by the rules engine, which means that rules can be build in these modules. For example, you can now automatically receive a payment at the same time you issue an invoice to a customer. This is useful if you sell over a B2C portal or if you have a brick and mortar shop as you do not have to receive a payment right after the invoice is issued. 

No more 'item' module

The module used to contain a list of all products, materials, labor and tools. We found this module to be redundant and for that reason, have removed it.

New design to add pictures to customers, vendors and products

You can add multiple pictures to products, customers and vendors. To add and remove pictures, you hit the '+' button and 'x' button, respectively. To browse through uploaded pictures on a record, you use the '<' and '>' buttons. These buttons are now located below the picture. Likewise, when a picture is uploaded, there is no longer a grey box framing your photo.


Rules can be turned on or off in Paragon based on how you run your business. Below you'll find the rules that have been created over the last two weeks. Keep in mind, however, that we have many more available.

  • When you create a credit note off of an invoice, you can have the invoice number populate directly on the credit note.


  • We have disallowed the ability to add the same attribute to the more tab and the business terms more than once. This should not be allowed and if you attempt to do this, you'll receive a notification.
  • If you were in edit mode on a transaction and hit the more tab, the edit button would reappear. Since you are still in edit mode even though you navigated to a different tab, we removed this button.
  • When a new product was created, the information was not being loaded to the reports module. This has been corrected and now the reports are up-to-date with the most recently entered data.
  • When a currency type was added to a transaction header, the correct currency symbol was not displaying on the lines and header.
  • When a journal entry was created, the period in the list view did not match the period in the detail view.
  • You can now add the same tax attribute value to different provinces. For example, HST is used in both British Colombia and Ontario, so the HST code can now be used for both provinces at different rates.
  • When you add an inventory adjustment you have to choose a location. If you try to do another inventory adjustment, the list of inventory locations for which you can make an adjustment is filtered based on locations that have already been added.
  • After you've voided a transaction, it can no longer be edited or put into another status. For this reason, we have removed all buttons that cannot be executed from the green action button.
  • Date modified column did not populate for new lines that were created in some tables. This caused gaps in the audit trail for some transactions, which has been corrected.