What's new with Paragon - January 8, 2019

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Activating a new user as soon as it's created

We've made a change to the new user modal that allows you to activate any new user immediately in the creation screen, instead of having to update first and then activate it. The new profile will be activated before even asking the user to log in.

Revaluing foreign exchange rates with a run-now rule

Currency exchange rates are estimated and therefore change over time. Let's say that your internal accounting currency is in Canadian dollars, but you buy and sell products in US dollars. At the end of each month, most businesses run reports to calculate how the exchange rate has changed. The value of the goods you've either paid for or sold could have changed depending on the ever-changing rate. Your books need to reflect the proper estimates so that taxes can be easily calculated at the end of the month, quarter, year, or period of your choice. Once you run this rule, an automatic journal entry is made for each transaction containing discrepancies. The automated journal number and exchange adjustment are added to the "More" tab of the original transactions for future reference.

Adding project numbers to sales orders with a rule

Say you run a business that takes on large and/or lengthy projects that run over multiple months. It would be helpful to have a project or contract number that is automatically filled in on the sales order, then carried over to any transaction created from that project. This rule adds the project number to the order and ParagonERP's attribute inheritance takes care of the rest.

Creating purchase orders and receipts automatically with a rule

Rules in Paragon were originally designed to streamline user experience and to eliminate redundant work. With this in mind, this update includes two new rules which will automatically create a purchase order from a sales order, and then automatically create receipts from the same sales orders.

If your business demands that you purchase only what you need to fulfill your customer orders and nothing more, it's extremely helpful to have the ability to automatically buy exactly what your clients have ordered. It's even more helpful to be able to see which purchases were made for which requirements. Paragon's new rule creates purchase orders for all sales order items as long as those items have been associated to their respective vendors.

It's also important to be able to create automatic receipts based on the same customer sales orders when the goods arrive in your warehouse. Our rules have perfected this process, putting your time to better use than creating receipts.

Need help with rules? Don't hesitate to reach out at support@paragon-erp.com


Here's a list of the bugs we've exterminated with this update:

  • Clicking on a customer or vendor name in a transaction navigates to the proper reference screen
  • Improvements to copying references with special characters (such as $#^&)
  • Increased visibility in line notes when transactions are created from other transactions
  • GL Account activation has been improved
  • Percentage attributes have been added to the Universal Translator
  • Corrected warning notifications in associations
  • Increased functionality for Shippo when using multiple carriers
  • Improvements to patching companies through the API
  • Data corrections for Shopify integrations