What's new with Paragon - July 20, 2016

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP work better for you.

Features and Improvements


Customers may want to make custom adjustments to your standard products. The new feature called 'custom BOM' gives you the ability to configure your products to your customers' specific needs at order time. To add a custom BOM to an item on an order, right click on the line and select the edit custom BOM button. A screen will appear with the BOM found in the product file. You can add a material or modify the quantities of each material based off of the default BOM.

The custom BOMfunctionality is similarly but separately connected to the work order. This means that you can keep track of what was actually used in production as compared to the estimate coming from the product BOM. It is connected to costing and inventory. This feature is accessed in a similar right-click menu on the work order product lines as shown above in the sales order. The custom OM Starts off with the values from the product BOM which you can later customize. If the work order is created from a sales order with a custom BOM, Paragon will assume you want to take those values instead of the ones from the product BOM.

You cannot edit voided or completed transactions in Paragon. For this reason, we decided to remove the edit button from all transactions in these statuses.

A prototype of an integration with Shippo (goshippo.com) was completed. This means that Paragon will soon have the ability to book shipments, transfer all relevant information, get tracking numbers and generate labels for any of 20 shipping carriers. To see the list, check out (goshippo.com/carriers/).

A major migration of the version of our development platform was achieved. While there will not be any immediate apparent changes, it has long reaching performance impacts will allow the use of HTML5 in the interface. This will make interactions with PAragon smoother and dramatically expands the list of tools that can be used in the interface.



In the history tab of the inventory module, here is a column called note. When inventory is moved to different locations, this column shows what transaction caused the move.

  • For example, when a pack list is issued, the inventory moves from the packing area to the shipping area and the column displays 'pack' followed by the transaction number.

There was a bug that caused the note column to display incorrect transaction names. This has been corrected.

In the item tab of an order, her is a column that displays the description of items on the transaction. A bug was causing this column to be blank. This has been corrected.

The labelling on the stock requirements report was inconsistent across Paragon. In some places it was called 'Stock requirements report' and in other places it was called 'material requirements report'. It is now consistently named the 'stock requirements report'.