What's new with Paragon - July 24, 2018

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Link bank accounts to your General Ledger

ParagonERP now allows you to set up a link from your bank accounts to your General Ledger accounts. This means that you can now affect the desired GL account every time you select a particular bank account in a Paragon transaction. Let's say you receive a payment from a vendor ? Paragon automatically knows which GL account that receipt should affect based on the bank and the currency associated with the receipt. No more transfers from one GL to another based in the bank after the fact. Paragon lets you put in the default association one time and each subsequent transaction for that bank is properly linked. Easy.


Even more decimals!

Last update brought you the possibility of increased number of decimals in Unit Prices across Paragon. This time, attributes can now be setup with additional decimals on an individual basis. To clarify, Paragon has a default number of allowed decimals for unit price but each attribute can now be setup with their own limitations. That means that prices for larger items such as washing machines can be set to the usual two decimals but smaller items like buttons or screws (which are often bought in bulk format) can have up to seven decimals per unit to make costing more accurate. This could also allow for more accurate conversions from other currencies. We have also given you the option to set your allowed decimals on each attribute to "default" which will go back to the main setup to determine the appropriate number of decimals every time the attribute is used.



Here are some pesky bugs we've squashed this update:

  • Cleaned up the Copy feature throughout the software
  • Transactions with invalid lines will no longer be partially uploaded through the Universal Translator
  • On Account payment lines will now reflect the correct currency symbols
  • Added missing i18n keys (descriptions) for forms
  • Improvements to the save process when creating new reference records
  • Bulk module is inactive for the moment and has been removed from the More button
  • Fixed attribute lists between unrelated reference modules
  • Corrected the display of the action button in the Bill of Materials screen
  • Reports now re-load immediately to display updated data after any universal translator upload