What's new with Paragon - June 15, 2016

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP wor?k better for you.

Features and Improvements

Did you know that you can add notes and discounts to any line on any transaction in Paragon? With this update, when you add a discount or note to any line, a blue arrow now appears in the far left column as an indicator. To view the line note, right-click on the blue arrow button and select the view line note option from the drop-down.

The next time you create a picking ticket, you'll notice that a reservations tab has been added to the create new pick ticket screen. Until now, you could only create pick tickets manually, or from orders and work orders. Being able to create pick tickets off a reservation is particularly userful if goods are reserved for specific customers before they are picked, packed and shipped.

A few weeks ago, we added the ability to void non-financial transactions (orders, PO's, etc.) We have since extended this functionality to financial transactions, such as invoices and credit notes. When you void a saved transaction, an offsetting journal entry is posted to the corresponding GL accounts to create a clean and accurate audit trail.

  • In the example on the right, voiding an invoice created a journal, which offset the correct GL accounts

  • Note: If another transaction had been attached to the invoice (for example a credit note) a notification would appear

You can already associate people to a specific customer through the associated tab in Paragon. But now, if you create an order for a customer, the more tab of that order can contain a field called 'attention to.' The people associated to the customer on the order will appear in the drop-down next to this field. This is particularly useful because you may need to track your orders on the customer level, personal level, or both.



The first screen you land on when you enter any module is called the list view (for example, the screen to the right is called the product list view). During our last update, we improved the search functionality in the list view of the modules. However, we noticed a bug where certain columns did not filter based on the search criteria entered. This has been corrected and the search works on all columns.

A journal entry balance less than $1.00 was showing as $0.00.

  • For example, a journal entry balance of $0.15, would show $0.00.

This has been corrected.

When editing a record in Paragon, you can choose to delete your changes at any time by hitting the cancel button. However, we noticed that the cancel button was still available after hitting the cancel button and leaving edit mode. This has been corrected so that this icon only appears in the edit module.

If you look carefully, you'll notice that Paragon gives you tooltips if you hover over a button. There was a bug where some of these tooltips displayed the wrong message. This has been corrected.

It was a little tricky to see the decimal point in front of dollar values less than $1.00. To make it clearer, a zero now precedes the decimal point. So, for example, fifteen cents displays as $0.15 instead of $.15.