What's new with Paragon - May 10, 2022

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

View the AR and AP aging reports for past dates

When closing entries at the end of an accounting period, sometimes you need to go back in time to see what an account's balance was on a specific date. In Paragon, this can now be accomplished using aged AR or AP reports. Setting the date in the selection modal to the last day of the period will run the report as if it was that day and only include transactions dated on or before that date. 

Item attributes available in the inventory history report

You can now view, group, and filter on item attributes and related fields in the inventory history report, including the inbound and allocated quantities for each item. 


Here's a list of bugs we've eliminated with this update:
  1. The source transaction ID and header attributes are populated on the payment lines in the payment detail reports.
  2. Available to sell quantities are updated when lines are deleted from transactions that were created from orders.
  3. A significant performance improvement can be seen when importing associations.
  4. The context of a record is validated when running action button rules from the bulk action menu.
  5. Item descriptions are exported to QuickBooks on invoice lines.
  6. Customer emails are now sent to 2Ship when fulfilling an order.
  7. Package and tracking attributes are automatically refreshed on Paragon shipments when orders are fulfilled in 2Ship.
  8. Customers and vendors in QuickBooks with multiple comma-separated email addresses can now be properly combined with Shopify customers in Paragon.