What's new with Paragon - September 20, 2016

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP work better for you.

Features and Improvements

We have successfully implemented a preliminary audit trail report. In reference and transaction modules, you will now see an information button. When you hit the information button, an audit trail for the record will display. We are still refining this report, but it currently shows you when and who edited which areas of a record as well as the changes made. This new feature will give you an added level of security and control.

Assigning a credit limit to a customer avoids booking orders that won't get paid, which could potentially hurt your business. With this update, we added the financial button to the customer module. If you hit the financial button, the customer's open A/R and credit limit balances display. In the future, this pop-up screen will be used to store additional financial information pertaining to customers.

Using the 'tab' key on your keyboard is great for speedy data entry. So, we've added the ability to tab through fields in Paragon, which means that you no longer have to use your mouse to navigate.


Sometimes you may want to create one transaction from multiple transactions. For example, you may want to create one picking ticket for multiple orders for the same customer. To allow for this, if you select a transaction for a specific customer, the list should filter to display all other transactions associated with that customer. There was a bug that stopped the list from filtering. The list now filters correctly for all transactions.

Inside the receive payment module, there was the option in the action button to make a payment. Since you can only make payments on vendor invoices, this option was removed from the action button in the receive payment module.

We noticed a speed issue impacting performance when the auto-pay an invoice function was used. We have corrected the problem.

In Paragon, completing a shipment will decrease your inventory. Therefore, any reports with inventory numbers will change. There was a bug that stopped the most recent inventory values from loading to reports when shipments were completed. This has been corrected.

When you issue a picking ticket, inventory moves from a shelf location to a packing location. There was a bug that stopped this move from occurring. This has been corrected. For more information about how inventory flows through Paragon when different transactions are created, see our inventory document.

Design Improvements

When you create a manual transaction and want to add items to the transaction, there is a column called 'purchase' on the product selection screen. The price cannot be edited on the product selection screen; it can only be edited on the transaction itself. For this reason, we changed the color of the 'purchase' column from white to grey. Grey signifies that the column is not editable.


Over the last few weeks, we've been working on creating rules that can be implemented in your system. These rules can be turned on or off, depending on how you run your business. Below you can find a few of examples, although we do have many more available.

We have created a rule that prevents you from issuing a picking ticket from an order that has already been completely picked. So if the 'left to pick' column is 0, this rule will prevent you from issuing a picking ticket.

We have created a rule that prevents you from issuing a receipt for a PO that has been fully received. So if the 'left to ship' column is 0, this rule will prevent you from issuing a receipt.

We have created a rule that stops you from creating a shipment for negative quantities.