What's new with Paragon - September 4, 2018

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Linking customers to specific locations

Being the global tycoon you are, you've got customers located all over the world. As a result, you might have warehouse locations all over the globe to better serve them. ParagonERP now allows you to link these individual locations to each of your clients so that when you ship to them, the appropriate warehouse is assigned automatically. This helps save time fulfilling orders and prevents potentially costly errors of shipping goods from the wrong location.


Linking line attributes to Bill of Materials

Sometimes there are characteristics that are important to consider when manufacturing goods. This information may vary depending on the specific work being done. For instance, if you're making a jacket that has leather details on the collar, you may want to dye that leather to match the fabric of the rest of the garment. In that case, you'd want to tag that characteristic to the specific work order being completed. Paragon now allows you link attributes to the bill of materials that are associated with products and materials, which can then be automatically linked to your sales orders, work orders and more.


Calculating inventory valuation by warehouse location

If you have multiple warehouses and each of those locations value their inventory differently (for example goods manufactured in Asia are usually drastically cheaper than producing the same goods made in Canada), you would generally like to be able to calculate the cost of shipments from those locations accordingly.  We now offer a feature that allows Paragon to calculate the cost of goods based on the location from which they are shipped. We're saying bye to those complicated Excel formulas to calculate what each shipment cost.

Interested in this feature? Give us a shout first at jonar@jonar.com and we'll get you started.


Displaying inventory value on the Inventory Available report

Your inventory is your biggest asset. Your products' and/or materials' worth is invaluable when planning future purchases or dealing with your banks. Our Inventory Available report now displays not only your items and the number of units in stock, but also the unit value of each item along with their total extended value (which equals to number of units times their value).



Here are some pesky bugs we've exterminated with this update

  • Improved functionality of rules for inherited attributes in the customer module
  • Corrected calculations in work order receipts
  • Adjusted logic for saving changes to record identifiers
  • Improved inheritance functionality between receipts and vendor invoices
  • Reinstated ability to remove product and customer associations
  • Enhanced logic for invoice notes inherited to credit lines
  • Improved images in screen setup module