What's new with Paragon - September 7, 2016

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Here's what we've been working on to make ParagonERP work better for you.

Features and Improvements

We have enhanced Paragon's rules engine to enable you to auto-complete transactions. This means that when you create a transaction off of another transaction, the status of the initial transaction can automatically be changed to complete. This will only occur if the transaction is created for the same number of units as the initial transaction. For example, if you create a pack off of a pick for the entire quantity of the pick, the status of the pick goes from issue to complete, once the pack is issued. Auto-completing transactions is extremely useful as it removes the manual work required to change the status of an initial transaction.


Sometimes, you'll want to know which users created or changed a record in Paragon. Audit trail reports allow you to see who changed what, which is especially useful with multiple users. The first step in building Paragon's audit trail report entails storing information about what users change on transactions. Over the past few weeks we've put this foundation in place.


A new Paragon organization comes with a handful of default settings. There was a bug that prevented some of these settings from being installed when a new organization was created. This has since been corrected.


Taxes are calculated based on the ship-to address of a transaction. The tax rates per province, state or country are all set up in the tax setup, which is found in the configuration module. If you hit the question mark button to the left of the tax field, tax details will display. There was a bug that caused a green plus sign to display on the detail tax screen. Taxes should never be changed on a transaction- basis, so this button was removed.


When a financial transaction is created in Paragon, a journal entry is added to the GL, and corresponding accounts are debited and credited. There was a bug that reversed the accounts that were debited and credited. For example, when a payment is received a bank account should be debited and A/R should be credited. This bug caused the reverse to occur: A/R was debited and the bank account was credited. We have since corrected the issue.


When adding products to a transaction, the grid to the right will appear. There was a bug that didn't add all of the chosen products to the transaction. Note: To select products, you must check off the product you'd like to add to a transaction and hit the green check mark. The quantities of each product must then be entered on the transaction itself.

Products can have an active or inactive status. Inactive products can be edited, but cannot be added to transactions. There was a bug that allowed inactive products to be added to transactions. This has been corrected.


When you create a manual journal entry, you must specify the journal entry period. There was bug that prevented a period from being chosen on a manual journal entry. This has been corrected.

The labelling in the make payment module has been changed as the old naming convention was confusing. The field check amount has been changed to payment amount and the field total has been changed to payment total.

When adding products to a transaction, you may have noticed a column called 'outstanding.' If you were creating a picking ticket, this column would indicate the quantities left to pick from a previous transaction. We have changed the labels of the outstanding column to indicate where the units are outstanding. This makes the meaning of the column clearer. Using the example above, the column header now reads 'left to pick.'