Adding discounts as attributes
First, you're going to want to create an attribute for any discounts you want to use throughout Paragon. These attributes can represent either a monetary value (as a money type attribute) or a percentage (as a number type attribute).
Once the discount attributes are available, you can make them available in various transactions using screen setup.
Add discounts to a transaction header
Here, we'll take an order as an example. Once you've finished adding your line items to your transaction, you can add a header discount.
In edit mode, click on the discount field at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
A modal will pop up and you'll be prompted to add a header discount. Any discounts that were set up as default discounts will automatically show. Click the add button, and select other available discounts that you might want to apply to the transaction.
The discounts in this example are called promotion and volume discount %:
Any discount with a '%' sign in the name will calculate and deduct a percentage from the subtotal.
Calculate compounded discounts
Add discounts to a transaction line
Here, we will show you how to add discounts to individual transaction lines. Once again, we will use the order as an example. Once you've finished adding your line items to your transaction, you can add a line discount.
In edit mode, right-click on the item line and click the edit line discounts button.
A modal will pop up. You will note that the screen heading indicates that this is specifically for line discounts. You will be prompted to add a predefined line discount or click the add button and select the discount you'd like to apply to the transaction line.
The discount in this example is called discount % and deducts a value based on a percentage of the transaction line. We have added this discount to the first line of the order.
Once you have entered the value, click the accept button.
Once you click the accept button, the total discount will be applied to the transaction line.
You can always change line discounts while in edit mode by right-clicking the item line and selecting edit line discounts. The same line discount modal will appear as before and you can add or remove discounts or change the values that were already entered.
You can also see all line discounts by right-clicking on the item line and clicking view line discounts.
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