Adding other charges to transactions


Other charges refer to any fees incurred when shipping goods, where these charges increase the total dollar amount on any given transaction. We'll show you how to create other charges attributes in Paragon, and how to apply them to transactions.

Adding other charges as attributes

First, you're going to want to create these charges as money and currency attributes.


Now that you've added the necessary charges to the attributes list, you will have to configure them on whichever transactions you want to use. You can get oriented with our transaction setup article. Once you've configured your transaction screens, make your way to a transaction module to set values to these charges.

Add other charges to a transaction

Here, we'll take an order as an example. Once you've finished adding your line items onto your transaction, you can proceed to add other charges.

In edit mode, hit the other charges field at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.


A modal will pop up and you'll be prompted to add predefined other charges. Hit the add button, and select the other charges you'd like to apply to the transaction.


Once you have entered the value(s), hit the accept button.

Prior to hitting the accept button, you can hit the cancel button and abort any charges you may have applied.
Once you hit the accept button, the total charge will be applied to the transaction in the other charges field.

If you cancel instead of saving the transaction at this point, the other charges will not be saved.

You can always change the charges while in edit mode by clicking the other charges field again . The same modal will appear as before and you can add or remove charges or change the values that were already entered. While in inquiry mode, you can see all charges by clicking on the same field.

Calculate compound charges

When multiple percentage charges are added to a transaction, there are two ways that Paragon can calculate those charges. The standard calculation entails using the initial subtotal of your transaction to calculate each individual charge - regardless of the number of charges being applied. Paragon can also use the compound method where the initial subtotal of the transaction is used to determine the amount of the first charges and then uses the new subtotal to calculate the next charge, and so on.
To use the compound method, check the setting in the financials tab in the My Company module (you can get there from the settings page):
Example of compound charges calculation:
Subtotal is $396.00
After applying the first 5% charge, the subtotal is $415.80
After applying the second 5% charge, the subtotal is $436.59 
Without compound charges the subtotal would be $435.60

What's next?

Now that you've learned about adding other charges to your transactions, you might be interested in some other articles: