Assigning a customer or vendor to a specific warehouse


Wouldn't it be nice if a customer or vendor could be linked with a specific warehouse destination (or shipping address)? On top of this, how great would it be if every transaction you made for that customer/vendor automatically inherited that warehouse? In Paragon, we do this through the use of attribute inheritance. Here, we'll walk you through setting up the inheritance between the customer/vendor addresses and the warehouse of your choice.


Adding the default shipping warehouse attribute


To start out, first go to the settings page.

Choose screen setup from the system card, and then select customer or vendor from the column on the left.

Then hit the edit button.

Now hit the add button to add the attribute default shipping warehouse to the customer and/or  vendor modules.

If you do not find the attribute default shipping warehouse in the drop-down list of available attributes, then we need to create the custom attribute before continuing. Contact us at for the creation of this attribute.

Adding your default to a customer or vendor

Once your attributes and screens have been correctly configured, go to the customer and/or vendor module to complete the setup.

Choose the customer or vendor you are working with and then add default shipping warehouse to it by selecting it from the list of available locations.


Setting up the inheritance

Now we will show you how to set Paragon so that every transaction made with a certain customer/vendor will automatically inherit the same default shipping location.

From settings, open the attributes inheritance module.

On this page you'll need to make a few selections.

Make sure that you're in the reference tab since you are inheriting from a reference module (customer/vendor) attribute.

Then, you must fill out the drop-down menus for each selection as follows:
1. Module: select the module from which you'd like to inherit the customer/vendor default location. It can be any transaction that involves to/from a customer/vendor, such as order, invoice, purchase order, etc.
2. Attribute: select ship from warehouse or ship to warehouse
Please refer to the screen below. Using this example, the attribute (ship from warehouse) for the selected module (purchase order) will automatically inherit the default shipping warehouse of the specific customer.
3. Reference: choose either customer or vendor
4. Attribute: the last column should automatically fill in as default shipping warehouse
5. Finally, click on the add button to add it to the list of inherited attributes. You will be able to see this new inheritance in the lists of defaults. Make sure to log out and back into Paragon to ensure the changes you have just made.


What's next?

Now you're all ready to test it! Let's go through this following example. 

Here, we have given an example customer a default shipping warehouse by setting it in their attributes page.
Then, we created a purchase order with this customer. You will see that on the purchase order screen, the default shipping warehouse attribute directly inherited that of the customer. If you don't see the default shipping warehouse attribute at all, find out how you can add it on a transaction screen.

You can link any and all vendors with their respective warehouses at any time. Just repeat the process above and you'll be all set!