Customer statements report


It is crucial to keep your customers updated on their outstanding balances, and utilizing a standardized document for customer statements is a common industry practice. By simply clicking the print or email button on each customer's profile, you can generate a comprehensive customer statement that includes details on any unpaid invoices, account credits, or miscellaneous payments.

Print customer statements

To generate the PDF output for the customer statement, hit the print button in the customer screen:

If the customer has transactions in various currencies, the customer statement will be grouped and sub-totaled by currency:

Email customer statements

To send the customer statement by email, hit the email button in the customer screen:


How to edit the customer statement

You might want to change the layout of the customer statement.  This is how you would do that. 
Go to the settings screen, under the reports & data card, you will find the report template editor.
You can edit the general layout of the default template or create a new one. 
To create a new template, hit the add new button:
Give your template a name, select Customer Statement, and hit the accept button.
Then you can configure which template to use in the print and email configuration screen.

What's next?

Now that you can easily generate and/or email statements for each customer, you may want to take a look at some other customer reporting features that Paragon has to offer: