For sales transactions
Bill from and ship from
This is your company's address. Paragon knows what address to pull because it was set up in your company profile from the settings page.
Bill to and ship to
When you enter a customer on a transaction, the bill to and ship to will automatically populate.
These are the addresses that are set up in the customer module for the selected customer.
For purchase transactions
Bill to and ship to
This is your company's address. The system knows what address to pull because it was set up in your company profile from the settings page.
Bill from and ship from
When you enter a vendor, the bill from and ship from automatically populate.
These are the addresses that were set up in the vendor module for the selected vendor.
Just like the sales transactions, if the address is incorrect and needs to be changed, you can change it on the transaction itself and the changes will be made to the vendor file automatically. The section below will cover how to change the default address.
Changing the address that populates
Sometimes, you may need to change a company's address on a transaction. To change the bill from address on a transaction, make sure bill from is highlighted.
Bill from is highlighted when it appears in blue. Ship from is greyed out because bill from is selected.
Click the drop down arrow and select the correct address.
Edit the address
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