Here, we'll introduce you to some of Paragon's basic functions and buttons.
Module access
When you log into Paragon, the most commonly used modules can be accessed at the panel to the right of the screen.
The full list of Paragon's modules can be accessed by hitting the more menu. This is always located at the bottom right of the screen.
Buttons available in all screens
The following buttons are accessible in all module screens.
To access the system settings screen, the settings button is always at the top right corner of any Paragon screen.
If you wish to go back to a previous screen, hit the back button. In this example we are in the order module.
To view module information in either list or detail view, hit the list-detail toggle button. In the example of the order module, the following screen is the list view. Click the list-detail toggle button again and you will be taken to the detail view of the transaction or reference, and click again to return to list view.
To search within the module, you can use the search bar to search for anything that is in the list view of your current module (except for dates and some calculated fields).
If you want to log out of the system, hit the log out button at the top right corner of the screen.
Detail views
Detail view refers to the screens inside modules that allow you to view or edit detailed information. Transactions and references all have their own detail view screens. Here is an example of some of the buttons that you will find in these types of screens:
Click the list-detail toggle button and you will be taken to the detail view. In this example, we will be looking at the sales order detail view.
The add item button allows you to add items to your transactions and/or reference screens.
The cancel button allows you to revert any changes and exit from an action or screen.
The record information button on the lower-left corner of the screen allows you to see the information of the reference of the transaction record you have opened:
created by - the user that created the record;
created on - day, date and time when it was created;
modified by - the user that made the latest changes to the record;
modified on - day, date and time of the latest changes.
This information is generated automatically and cannot be edited.
The calendar button on date attributes allows you to view and select dates in detail.
Modal forms
Inside Paragon modules, different actions make a smaller screen pop up. These pop ups are referred to as modal forms. For these modal forms that pop up, here are some of the common buttons.
In this example, we are in the product association module form to associate to customers and vendors.
- The next button takes you to the subsequent screens within the modal form.
The cancel button cancels an action and closes the pop-up modal.
- The accept button allows you to proceed with your action before saving it.
- The back button lets you return to the previous screen to make any changes.
Within the action button
The action button holds different buttons inside of it. The action button can be found inside transaction and reference screens.
Click the action button on a transaction screen such as sales order and you will receive the following options:
- Copy
- Email
- Print
- Hold
- Void
- Issue
- Complete (available after clicking Issue)
What's next?
Well - now you should have the tools to get started with Paragon. Here's are page on FAQs in case you have some questions of your own.