ParagonERP offers options that can be used to apply to each of your transaction settings that are specific to your needs. These options, called advanced settings, can be activated by you without incorporating complex rules.
Access screen setup
In order to use these advanced settings, click on the settings button at the top right hand side of the screen. This will bring you to the settings screen.
Then, select screen setup under the system card.
Select the transaction module for your advanced settings
The first module in the list is the credit setup. On the left side of this screen you will see a list of all available modules. Choose the one that you want to work with. In this article, we will show you all of the advanced settings screens and explain how each of the options can help you.
To begin making changes, click the edit button at the top right corner of each transaction setup screen.
After you click edit, click advanced settings.
Credit advanced settings
The above screen shows the advanced options available related to credits.
- Enable custombom - This option can be seen on the credit screen, but is inaccessible since it does not pertain to credit notes. Only the transactions that can use the custombom will allow access.
- Enable boxing - This option can be seen on the credit screen, but is inaccessible since it does not pertain to credit notes. Only the transactions that can use the boxing function will allow access.
- Lock transaction on issue - If this option is checked, once the transaction is issued, you will not be able to edit it. If you want to make any changes, you will have to void and recreate the transaction.
- Block issue if Ship To address is blank - If this option is checked, you will receive a notification to let you know that the ship to address must be filled in before you can issue the transaction.
- Block company change after first save or after adding items - If this option is checked, once the transaction has been saved, or if items have been added, you will not be able to change the company or account on the transaction.
- Enable quick grid entry - When this option is checked, you will be able to use the keyboard for line entry, which will allow you to use the tab and enter keys, instead of using the mouse. This enables quicker line entries.
- Automatically attach printouts to issued transactions - If this option is checked, when your transaction is issued, it will automatically attach a printout to the transaction.
- Remove zero quantities on issue - If you click on this field, there will be a drop down of choices:
- Never: when you issue the transaction if there are any lines with zero quantities, those lines will remain on the transaction.
- Always: means that any lines with zero quantities will be removed when you issue.
- Ask: means that you will be asked if you want to remove zero quantity lines when you issue. - Update the transaction date to current date - The drop down of choices are:
- Never: the transaction date remains unchanged.
- When issued: means that when the transaction is issued, the transaction date will default to the current date (rather than the date it was created).
- On issued when unchanged: means that the transaction date will default to the current date, unless the transaction date was already changed to another date during the creation of the transaction. - Filter create from modal by attribute - If you are creating the transaction from another transaction, choose from the drop down of possible attributes to be used as a filter. For example, if you choose currency from the list of attributes, if you create a credit from an invoice, as soon as you select an invoice, the modal will only show you the invoices that are using the same currency as the first invoice that you selected.
- Allow credits to be created from: Invoices, RMAs, Receipts. You can choose any or all of these transactions to be able to create your credits from.
Event advanced settings
Many of the options in event advanced settings are the same as in the credit advanced settings explained in the section above. Please refer to that section for the explanation of all options.
Allow events to be created from: Orders, Purchase Orders, Work Orders and Reservations. You can choose any or all of these transactions to be able to create your events from.
Invoice advanced settings
The invoice advanced settings offers the same options as the credit advanced settings. Refer to that section for further explanation of each option.
For the invoice advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable custombom - This option will allow you to access the custombom option on invoice lines.
- Enable boxing - Will allow you to create or edit the boxing screen from the invoice action button.
- Allow invoices to be created from: Orders, Quotes, Shipments, Pick Tickets, and Packing Lists. You can choose any or all of these transactions to be able to create your invoice from.
Make payment advanced settings
Once again, refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
Allow make payments to be created from: Vendor Invoices is the only option available for the make payment module.
Material pick advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section above for further explanation of each option.
The following options in the material pick advanced settings are different from the credit options:
- Do not check stock when selecting pick locations - Check this option if you do not want the material pick to check if you have enough stock available in the pick locations that you have selected.
- Allow material picks to be created from: Work Orders. This is the only option available for Material Picks.
Order advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For the order advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable custombom - This option will allow you to access the custombom option on order lines.
- Enable boxing - Will allow you to create or edit the boxing screen from the order action button.
- Allow orders to be created from: Quotes, Purchase Orders, Reservations. These are the options available for orders.
Packing list advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For the packing list advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable boxing - Will allow you to create or edit the boxing screen from the packing list action button.
- Allow packing lists to be created from: Pick Tickets, Orders. Choose pick tickets and/or orders to create your packing lists.
Payment advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
Allow receive payments to be created from: Invoices. Check this option if you want to create your payments from orders. Otherwise, they must be created manually.
Pick advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For pick advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable boxing - Will allow you to create or edit boxing information using the boxing screen from the pick action button.
- Do not check stock when selecting pick locations - Check this option if you do not want the pick to check if you have enough stock available in the pick locations that you have selected.
- Create Back Order - If this option is checked on, when a pick is completed with picked quantities less than the source order's quantities, a modal will appear asking you to confirm the creation of a backorder. If a backorder is created, the quantity on the original order will be adjusted to match the quantity that was picked. Additionally, a note will be added to the original order, referencing the corresponding backorder number.
- Allow pick tickets to be created from: Quotes, and Reservations. These are the options available for picks.
Purchase order advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For purchase order advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable custombom - This option will allow you to access the custombom on purchase order lines.
- Allow purchase orders to be created from: Orders, Vendor Invoices, Quotes. These are the options available for purchase orders.
Quote advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For the quote advanced settings, the following option is accessible:
- Enable custombom - This option will allow you to access the custombom option on quote lines.
Receipt advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For the receipt advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable boxing - Will allow you to create or edit boxing information using the boxing screen from the receipt action button.
- Allow receipts to be created from: Purchase Orders, Work Orders, RMAs, Shipments. Choose any or all of these transactions to create your receipts.
Reserve advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
- Allow reservations to be created from: Orders, Work Orders, Receipts. Choose any or all of these transactions to create your reservations.
RMA advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
- Allow reservations to be created from: Invoice. Check this option if you want to create your RMAs from invoices. Otherwise, they must be created manually.
Ship advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For the shipment advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable boxing - Will allow you to create or edit boxing information using the boxing screen from the shipment action button.
- Allow shipments to be created from: Packing Lists, Orders, Invoices, Material. Choose any or all of these transactions to create your shipments.
Vendor credit advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
- Allow vendor credits to be created from: Vendor Invoices and Shipments. You can check either option or both to create your vendor credits from.
Vendor invoice advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
- Allow vendor invoices to be created from: Receipts and Purchase Orders. You can check either option or both to create your vendor invoices from.
Work order advanced settings
Refer to the full list of options in the credit advanced settings section for further explanation of each option.
For work order advanced settings, the following options are different from the credit options:
- Enable custombom - This option will allow you to access the custombom option on work order lines.
- Allow work orders to be created from: Orders, Quotes. These are the options available for work orders.
What's next?
This article explains more about setting up transaction screens. You might find it helpful.