Using the AR Aging Report


If you're using a system such as ParagonERP, you are no doubt selling products, services, or both and therefore would likely want to be paid for your hard work. Once you issue invoices to your clients, you need the ability to see, at a glance, who owes you what and when it is due. That's where the AR Aging Report will come in handy. This report can be run from the customer screen and will list which invoices are still outstanding for each client, if they have any credits they can apply to their account(s), and when this money is due to hit your bank.


Print the AR aging report for one customer

Navigate to the customer module from anywhere in Paragon by clicking the customer button on the navigation bar on the right. Once you are in the customer module, open the detail view of any customer and click the action list button. You will see a print option for aged AR
Click on aged AR. It will open a modal where you can select the template you want to use.
The default layout is Customer AR Aging. This is the only layout available, unless you have a customized Aging report available to you. Select the template.
Your next option is export report to. Here you will have two options; PDF and Excel. 
The PDF option will produce the report in PDF format. The Excel option will produce an Excel file, as sampled below.
The last option on the aged AR selection screen is run as of. Enter the end date that you want to use for your report.

Setting the date in the selection modal to the last day of the period will run the report as if it was that day and only include transactions dated on or before that date. 


When you are satisfied with your selections, click accept to print the AR aging report for this customer. 

Print the AR aging report for all customers or specific customers

Navigate to the list view and click bulk edit.
After clicking bulk edit you have the option to select multiple customers. Simply check the boxes for the customers you want to see in the report and click the updated button that now says bulk actions.
Bulk actions will open a mini modal that allows you to apply an action across your selected entries. 
Click on aged AR. It will open a modal where you can select the template you want to use. 

After you have selected the template, you have three options: all, as filtered and manually selected
all: prints the report for all customers regardless of the selection you made
as filtered: prints the report for the customers currently displayed in list view with the advanced filtering regardless of the selection you made
manually selected: prints the customer you previously selected with the checkbox column

Using the bulk edit option, you still have the option to export directly to Excel.



Currency and customer totals

The AR Aging report displays information by currency and customer, listing each currency and then displaying each customer and their transactions within that currency. If there is no due date, the transaction date is used.
  1. A total is calculated for each customer (calculation = invoices - payment - credit)
  2. A total is calculated for each currency and shows the sum of all customer totals within that currency.
The columns include:
- due date: the due date from the transaction (if applicable)
- transaction: type of transaction being displayed and the transaction number
- total: total dollar amount for that customer amount
- current, 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and +90 days: these columns will be filled with the total dollar amount for each transaction based on their due dates (if applicable)

What's next?

If you're looking to explore more reports in Paragon, or need help on how to use them, check out some of these articles: