What's new with Paragon - February 19, 2019

New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.

Create events from the action button for shipments and receipts

When shipping goods out of or receiving goods into your warehouse, scheduling requires assigning dates and times that are defined by a number of factors, such as delivery times, personnel availability, warehouse space, etc. Coordinating all of these components can be daunting and making mistakes can lead to deliveries being missed. To avoid these types of problems being made, Paragon now offers the ability to easily create events from shipments and receipts - right from the convenient action button.

Learn more about creating events from shipments and receipts

Create orders from reservations

Retailers may commit to buying goods over the course of a certain amount of time at a specified price. However, these projected purchases may not be binding or confirmed until later in the sales process. The confirmed orders may be approved and sent to you at a later time. This means that you may want to reserve a number of goods for a customer and put them aside until the confirmed orders are received, which would prevent the sales of those goods to another client and avoid double booking the items. We've made this scenario faster and easier than ever by adding a tab to create sales orders directly from existing reservations.

Learn more about creating orders from reservations

View summary transaction information from the activity panel in customers and/or vendors

For the accounting team in any organization, it is very helpful to be able to view total open values by customer or vendor at a glace, when within the customer or vendor screens. This avoids having to run reports to see this information. Paragon now offers a summary section in the activity panel of both customer and vendor screens for this exact reason.

Learn more about the Activity Panel

Redesigned and more robust cash receipts report

We received several requests to improve the cash receipt report. Well, ask and you shall receive! The cash receipts report is used to view any payments that have been received within a date range, or for specific customers. Ultimately, this report is most often used to reconcile your bank statements. To improve the report, we've added several more columns and some new filtering options. The report date filters have also been improved. Take a look and try it out. Let us know what you think!

Learn more about Receivable Reports

Net income added to the income statement

We've added a total line to the income statement with the label of Net Income. This new line simply sums the detail lines of the report.


Learn more about Income Statement

List view titles in modules now match the list view setup screen

For continuity purposes, we have changed the list view setup process so that all titles are created in lower case and will match the titles that are displayed in the module list views. This will reduce confusion and make the system more consistent.

Learn more about List View Setup

Rule: Automatically create temp status shipments from sales orders and display a notification if any shipment lines are created for more units than were originally requested

In recent updates, we've showcased a set of rules that help to greatly reduce work load for data entry teams, as well as to reduce potential errors in certain processes. We have focused on the workflow from sales order to purchasing, all the way to shipments and receipts. This last addition allows Paragon to generate automatic shipments in temp status, which provides a method for you to review and adjust the shipment details before scheduling them. We have also integrated a notification to alert your teams should they try to include more units on the shipments than were originally ordered by your customers. For help setting up rules, please contact us at support@paragon-erp.com.

Learn more about project management with automated purchasing and receipts rules



Here's a list of all the bugs we've exterminated with this update:

  • Enhanced process for resetting test mode in European Paragon builds
  • Improved total calculations on invoice lines with 0 quantities
  • Resolved discrepancies when creating BoM attributes in screen setup
  • Added ability to load default attribute values when importing via the universal translator
  • Corrected settings for text and number attributes used in the business terms of transaction screen setups