What's new with Paragon - July 2, 2024

Halt a data import before it's complete

Most data can be imported into ParagonERP to avoid tedious and error-prone data entry. This is especially convenient when trying to input large amounts of data. However, there was no option of stopping the import if anything was deemed amiss. Now ParagonERP import tools allow you to stop any import before it is finished. This action will halt the import at its current stage and issue a log of what was completed.

See live updates when importing data

Sticking with the importing data theme, we made another improvement to this feature. You can now easily see real-time updates about the progress of your import. No more guesswork while it runs in the background, you can track your data imports up to the minute.

Delete or edit PDF Template names

Our PDF template module is handy for allowing you to create any outputs you need to run your business. This flexibility is now even more robust since we have now added the ability to rename any existing PDF templates. We also added the option of deleting any unwanted or unused templates at any time. Keeping your PDF template list clean has never been easier.

Create and post journal entries with 0 value

Some business situations call for creating transactions with 0 journal values. For example, you can create a transaction for full discounts, or shipping charges that were refunded. ParagonERP now allows you to generate those transactions without blocking the automatic journal process so that you can see your results in the usual journal modules.


Here are a few bugs we've eliminated with this update:  

  • The unpack modal now allows users to enter decimal quantities
  • Correction for missed inheritance from orders to pick tickets
  • Improved updates for Bill of Material databases in Big Query reporting tools
  • Removed duplicated attributes
  • Data fix for error when importing data