What's new with Paragon - May 7, 2024
New features and bug fixes every two weeks. Come back here to check out what's new.
Save list view grid layoutsChanging your list view columns can be a cumbersome task, particularly when you're constantly switching between tasks that require different data sets. Thankfully, Paragon has now introduced an exciting new feature that empowers you to seamlessly design and save custom layouts that are tailored to individual user needs. You can now create and save layouts for each module.
A feature that was originally introduced for the Invoice module is now available for the Credit module! Upon issuing your Credit transactions, you can now have Paragon automatically attach a PDF printout of the transaction in the attachments section of the transaction.
- Deactivated locations incorrectly listed in move and adjust tabs of the Inventory module
- Inventory screen displays wrong list after using Bulk Inventory Movement
- UTC time zone date discrepancy
- User access not respected for editing unit price and line discount