You can use ParagonERP to create quotes to send to your customers prior to sending them orders or invoices. Here, we'll walk you through how to create a quote in Paragon.
Open the quote module
Open the quote module by selecting it on the more menu.
Creating a new quote
This is the list view of the quotes module.
Enter in general information
Select the company name from the drop down menu.
Once the company is selected, it will auto-populate all the addresses. The bill from and ship from come from the addresses set up in my company. The bill to and ship to come from the customer file.
You can select other addresses by clicking on the drop down arrow to the right of each address.
If you still don't see the addresses you are looking for, you can create a new address.
Note that the quote will not have a transaction number until the quote is saved. Once a transaction number is assigned, it will replace #####.
Select the date by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the appropriate date.
Enter information in the attribute panel
Enter information in the attribute panel by clicking on the field and typing in the correct information or selecting it from the drop down menu.
Note that the attribute panel will be slightly different based on how your system was configured.
Add products to your quote
To add a product or line item to your quote, click on add product in the bottom right hand side of the line item area.
Select all the items you would like to add to your quote by checking off the boxes on the left. If you would like to cancel the addition of line items or products, click cancel. To add all the products, click accept.
Once the items have been added, you can edit any of the information in the line by clicking on that field and typing in the correct information.
This is where you can enter the ordered quantity, modify the price of an item or apply a line discount. When you apply a line discount, the total is recalculated. Adding an item discount does not affect the quote discount field at the bottom. This field is reserved for a header discount that effects the quote as a whole.
You can also add more line items by selecting add product again.
Add notes
If necessary, add any relevant notes. These notes won't affect anything in the system. They can be used for reminders or internal communication.
Header information
At the bottom of the quote, there are fields for discounts and other charges. The other fields, tax and total, are calculated automatically. The question mark button to the left of the tax field allows you to inquire on the tax detail breakdown.
Another screen will appear that displays the tax detail breakdown. Before saving, discounts and other charges can be added to the transaction if you'd like.
Canceling and saving quote
A quote can be canceled at any point before it is saved by clicking cancel in the upper left hand corner.
You can save your quote by clicking save in the bottom right hand corner.
Once the quote is saved, it will automatically be assigned a transaction number and a temp status.
I've created my quote, now what?
Once a quote has been created you can proceed in a number of ways using the green action button in the bottom right hand corner:
If you issue the quote, an order will be created automatically. This will save you time when your customer accepts your quote.What's next?
You can also create a quote through the sales order module. The following document explains the various methods available to create sales orders.