Navigating to My Company
You need to start off by going to my company. Click the settings button at the top right hand side of the screen. This will bring you to the settings screen.
The summary tab
Within the summary tab, there are multiple sections to fill out. The important ones are: business terms, module configuration and related warehouses. Notes are optional, but handy if you need them.
Set up business termsYour company's basic information is in the top left-hand section. We refer to this section as the business terms.
Here you can enter a phone number, email, insert a logo and add more addresses.
If your company has multiple shipping or billing locations, you can add additional addresses here in the my company section by clicking the blue arrow, and clicking new address. Once you do this, you will be able to choose the billing or shipping addresses on each transaction in Paragon.
If you want to set up your shipping addresses as third-party warehouses, check out the Related Warehouse Locations section of this article.
This additional document will explain how to add additional addresses to selected modules.
Module configuration
You can pivot your transaction grids based on two different attributes. The most commonly used attributes are scale and size. The term pivot is used to describe the way that the transaction lines are viewed or used. If your products have individual records by size, you can choose if you want to view the line information by style or by style/size.
Available to sell (ATS) calculations
You will be able to select from one of three ATS options.
The options calculate your ATS as follows:
- ATS = Stock + Inbound Goods - Allocated Goods
- ATS = Stock - Allocated Goods
- ATS = Stock
Inbound Goods consist of the following:
- Open Purchase Orders
- Open Work Orders
Allocated Goods consist of the following:
- Reservation
- Pick
- Pack
- Open Shipments
You can now see the calculated ATS units on any product modal in ParagonERP:
Do you have a third-party vendor that manages your inventory? In some cases, a company will use a third party logistics warehouse (3PL) to store and ship its products. Before starting, you should have vendors created, if you haven't already done so. Don't forget to activate them.
Now that the vendor account has been created and linked to your company, you will need to create a new warehouse location corresponding to that warehouse. The trick here will be to select the address that you have previously set up in your vendor account.
Identifier tab
Sometimes, identifying a product, customer or any other type of reference can be difficult when you use codes or abbreviations. In Paragon, a record identifier helps you quickly identify a record within a module's list view. A record identifier can be a combination of any attributes you have set up. For example, the record identifier for a product could be style + color + size.
Please take special care when adjusting record identifiers. The incorrect settings may result in invalid data. Feel free to contact us at for more information.
Add or edit record identifier
Paragon comes with a few record identifiers that are automatically set up during the install process. Included in the default items:
- Items (such as products and materials)
- Company (relates to modules like customer and vendor)
- GL Accounts (defines the naming of GL Accounts with their account numbers)
- Locations (for warehouse information)
- Person (relates to the person module which can be used for employee or salesrep info)
Click the add button and then start entering the pertinent information. Once you're done, click the save button.
- Module: that is the module for which you wish to add or edit the record identifier
- Ordinal: that is the position in which the identifier will appear if you're selecting multiple identifiers for one module
- Attribute: that is the attribute or information that will feed the identifier
- Field: that is the database field that will feed the identifier
Note: you do not need to fill both an attribute and a field - but at least one needs to be defined.
Now that the record identifier has been created or edited, you can log out and back into Paragon. Then, navigate to the module you were working on and you will now see the new identifiers in the first column of the module list view.
Examples of record identifiers
Financials tab
First, open the identifier tab and click the edit button if you haven't done so already.
In order set up the financials tab, this following link will walk you through the steps on how to create bank accounts and how to add them to the financial tab.
Automatic journal entries
For instance, you can change an attribute, add a note or an attachment. However, if you modify the transaction in a way that would affect the journal entry or the total value of the transaction (i.e modify the quantity, line discounts or other chargers), Paragon will block you from saving your changes and a red notification will appear.
Next, you have the option to choose a default currency, as well as an accounting currency. This information was automatically filled in based on how you signed up for Paragon, however, it can be changed if you want.
If you do decide to change your accounting currency and then click the save button, a warning modal will appear (shown below). If you click the cancel button, the screen will stay in edit mode. If you click the accept button, the accounting currency will be updated and you will be required to log out and back in to update your system.
Save your changes
Once you are done with your edits, click the save button located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
What's Next?
For more information on setups, take a look at these: