Receiving partial shipments


Sometimes, you'll have large orders that are received in multiple shipments. To accommodate this, you can create partial receipts in Paragon. This document will explain how to create two partial receipts off a purchase order and then unbox each of them to the correct inventory locations.

Create a receipt from the purchase order

In the receipt module, hit the create new receipt button.

On the modal screen that appears, select the purchase orders tab. Select the purchase order you want to receive from. When you are happy with your selection, click the accept button. The example following will use purchase order 162, at the very top of the screenshot below.


Can't find your purchase order in this list? Ensure that the status of the PO is issue or complete. PO's in hold, void or temp status will not appear.


Editing the quantity received

You should now have a receipt showing the information from the selected purchase order. By default, the amount left to receive from the purchase order will populate in the quantity column of the receipt - as seen in our example, quantity = 221 and left to receive = 221.

However, even if 221 units were ordered in the PO, you might not want all 221 units to be received all at once. You can change this by hitting the edit button on the top right hand corner.

Intuitively, the expected quantity is the amount that was ordered in the purchase order. This cannot be modified, but the quantity (the number representing how many was actually received), can be edited.

When you are finished changing the quantities, hit the save button. In this example, the quantity was set to 200.


Send the received items to default location

To put the units on this receipt into inventory, the status needs to be changed twice.

First, issue the purchase order by hitting the green action button and hitting issue.

Then, hit the action button again and hit complete.



The inventory is now transferred to the location set up as default receiving. If you do not have a location set for default receiving, the inventory has been placed in the first location set to default for all transactions.


Unpack inventory into different locations

Let's say that the units on this receipt need to be unpacked into specific locations (other than the default receiving location or the default for all transactions location). To do this, you can use the unpacking  function.

Hit the green action button and select unpack.

Then, you can unpack any of the units that are currently on the receipt. If a line has 0 units in the quantity column, it cannot be unpacked. To unpack a box, hit the add new line items button.

You will get the following popup. Select the product you want to unpack from this box, the quantity you're unpacking, and the location you want the inventory to be put. 

When you're ready to continue, hit the accept button. If you want to cancel at any time, you can do so before hitting the green check by hitting the red X.

To continue unpacking the same item or different items from the same receipt, hit the add new line items button. If you're finished unpacking this shipment, hit the review button. Once you hit the review button, you'll be given a summary of the unpacking.

A green check on the right hand side indicates that the shipment line has been fully unpacked. To transfer this shipment to the desired inventory locations, hit the proceed to stock shelves button.


You must unpack the entire shipment in order to add the units to inventory. If you are missing units, you must edit the original receipt and then unpack everything (left to unpack must be at 0).

If you do not unpack the whole shipment, you will not be able to put the items in your inventory. You can see this example below:
You can see that there are 50 units which have not been unpacked. Now, when you press on  review, the option to proceed to stock shelves is no longer there. Furthermore, you will see that there is a half-filled green circle instead of a check mark which indicates that only a part of the received units have been unpacked.

You will be returned back to the receipt screen and a notification will appear confirming that the inventory has been moved to the locations.


Receive the rest of the PO at a later time

When you eventually receive the remaining units on the PO, you will repeat the process above starting creating a new receipt for the items. This time, the left to receive amount will show what was remaining after the initial receipt of goods. In the sample screen below, the quantity column shows 221, the original quantity from the PO.

Since you already received 200 of the ordered 221 units, the left to receive column is 21.

You cannot use the unpacking function to make partial receipts. If a PO is not received in full, multiple receipts will need to be created as described in the steps above.


What's next?

Let's take a look at how inventory is moved in ParagonERP!

What transactions affect my inventory

Inventory management

Updating inventory values

How inventory moves across locations