How do transaction screens work

ParagonERP offers a sleek interface which makes keeping track of transactions satisfying and pleasurable.


There are two main types of data screens in Paragon: reference screens and transaction screens. Here, we'll focus specifically on navigating around transaction screens and what you can expect from each section. The majority of screens in Paragon were designed to look very similar to each other in order to make it easier to learn how to use the system. So what is true in one transaction screen should be true for most other transactions as well.

Transaction screens

Transaction modules handle all the steps or actions in a business's workflow.

The following are the transaction modules that Paragon offers and are all more or less based on the same structure.

  • Pack
  • Order
  • Quote
  • Invoice
  • Receive
  • Pick
  • Purchase order
  • Work order
  • RMA
  • Credit
  • Reserve
  • Ship
  • Receive payment
  • Vendor invoice
  • Vendor credit
  • Make payment

Navigate to any transaction

Once you've logged into Paragon you can access any transaction module by clicking on its icon in the right-hand navigation bar. If the icon you are looking for does not appear in the navigation bar, you can find it by clicking the more button in the bottom right of the screen.
List view for transactions
All transaction screens are laid out in the same way, so whether you're in the Quotes, Invoice, or any other transaction module, the screens should all look very similar.
When you first open a module, you will see a screen that we call the list view. This screen shows you a list of all the records that currently exist in that module. The columns on that  list view can be configured as you see fit after you've created attributes

Double-clicking any transaction will bring you to that transaction's detail view. You can also access the detail view by clicking on it (highlighting it) and then hitting the list-detail toggle button.


 On both the list view and detailed view of any transaction screen, there are 4 buttons:
  • Back button: Clicking this button will take you back to the previous screen you were on. It's important to note that this action does not undo any changes but simply preserves the current state of the screen before bringing you back to the previous screen in the exact condition you left it.
  • Reporting button: Clicking on the reporting button for the first time will direct you to a selection of reports specific to the module you are currently in. For instance, if you are navigating the Quotes module, the reporting button will display all reports related to quotes. Similarly, if you are working within the Invoice module, it will show you reports pertaining to invoices. To access a comprehensive list of all available reports in Paragon, simply click the reporting button a second time.
  • List-detail toggle: This button allows you to switch between viewing a list of all records in the module and examining a single record in detail. In the list view, selecting a line and clicking this button will open up the record in detail. You can also double-click a line to access its details. When in the detail view, clicking this button will return you to the list view.
  • Add new button: By clicking this button, you can create a new transaction or record within the current module. For example, if you are in the Quotes module, it will open a new quote, and if you are in the Invoice module, it will open a new invoice.

Detail View

This is what the detail view of a transaction looks like. There are 8 major components on any detail view of a transaction. We will split them by looking at the top and bottoms halves of the transaction screen.

Top section

General information: Found in the center at the top of the screen This is where you will find the name of the module, the transaction number, the company name, the date and the status of the transaction.
From address: Found at the top left of the screen. This area is where you will select the bill from and ship from addresses
To address: Found at the top right of the screen.  This area is where you will select the bill to and ship to addresses
Attribute panel: The list of available attributes below your addresses (in Quote you can see currency).  You can fit up to 6 attributes here. All others can be found in the more tab.

You have control over what attributes are shown in this area when you configure your transaction screens.

Bottom section


Line items: This is where the line items go - in this example, we have a school bag. In other words, each item on an invoice, a quote, or other type of transaction will get its own line.
Notes: A handy textbox at the bottom of the screen. This is where you can enter any notes related to the transaction, for example, Request sent by customer.
Totals: This is where you will see the total value of the transaction along with any discounts, other charges, and taxes. The majority of these values cannot be edited without changing the line items. The tax value, however, can be edited, given that the screen is set up to allow users to edit the tax. This applies to all transaction modules with a tax field.
Action button: The action button can be found in many places throughout Paragon and basically allows you to perform actions or functions on the current record. Get all the info by checking out  How to use the action button.

Track when your transactions are printed

In the more tab of your transactions, you are able to see when your transaction was last printed.

What's next?

Transaction screens will certainly be a big part of your workflow with Paragon. There are a few other articles that we think might interest you: